Welcome to BIT Chongqing Institute of Microelectronics and Microsystems !
Platform Introduction
Relying on the Beijing Silicon-Based High-Speed On-Chip System Engineering Technology Research Center's research base, we focus on breaking through key industrialization issues such as S-band silicon-based multi-channel RF front-end chips for navigation, K-band and millimeter-wave frequency band core chips, dedicated SOC chips, deep learning hardware acceleration technology, signal processing IP cores, cryptography related IP cores, and three-dimensional integrated packaging.
Responsible Professor
  • Prof. Zhong Shunan
    Responsible Professor at Chongqing Microelectronics Research Institute, Beijing Institute of Technology Professor and PhD supervisor at Beijing Institute of Technology Director of Beijing Si-Based High-Speed On-Chip System Engineering Center Dean of Microelectronics Research Institute, Beijing Institute of Technology Member of the Higher Education Electronic Information Teaching Steering Committee of the Ministry of Education, Academic Committee member of China Engineering Education Accreditation Electronics and Electrical Branch, and undergraduate teaching evaluation expert of the Ministry of Education
  • Academic Part-time Positions
    Member of the Higher Education Electronic Information Teaching Steering Committee of the Ministry of Education Academic Committee member of China Engineering Education Accreditation Electronics and Electrical Branch Undergraduate teaching evaluation expert of the Ministry of Education
  • Academic Achievements
    As the person in charge, he has obtained the approval of the first batch of exemplary microelectronics colleges, won the title of "Beijing Excellent Course" for teaching "Fundamentals of Circuit Analysis," and his circuit teaching team has won the national teaching team honor. The "Introduction to Theoretical Physics" course has won the "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" National Defense Characteristics Discipline Professional Planning Textbook and Beijing Excellent Teaching Materials. He has participated in more than 40 scientific research projects, published more than 50 high-level academic papers with representative significance, and won several department-level scientific and technological progress awards.
  • Main Research Directions
    Dedicated integrated circuit design Research on key technologies of silicon-based microwave integration